Discovery Flight:

Dip your toes into the cold water and see what it is like.  It’s a one hour session with you in the driver’s seat.  Get an idea of whether you want to start training.  Let’s see if we mesh as student to instructor.  This can count as your first hour towards your FAA flight’s requirements.


1 hour flight includes:

Plane (Fuel & Insurance included)   180 hour

CFI (Certified Instructor)                   70 hour


Private Pilot Certificate:

FAA Part 61 training:

We will fulfill the requirements based on part 61 regulations.

There’s an FAA (written) = knowledge test

                FAA (oral/flight) = practical test


We will train one-on-one with the ground knowledge portion, in addition to an online test preparation program like Gleim GoldSeal Sporty’s

This will help you prepare for the knowledge test.  We will also train in the air, following the guided flight lesson plan to prepare you for the FAA practical test with the (DPE) Designated Pilot Examiner.


These are the requirements you must fulfill

in accordance with 14 CFR 61.103


This is the aeronautical experience you must obtain

in accordance with 14 CFR 61.109

  • 40 hours of Flight Training which includes 20 hours with a Certified Flight Instructor, 10 hours of solo time
  • 3 hours of cross-country flying
  • 3 hours of night flying
    • 1 cross-country flight of over 100 nautical miles (NM) &
    • 10 takeoffs and 10 landings to a full stop at an airport
  • 3 hours of flight utilizing their instruments
    • Straight and level flight, airspeed climbs and descents, heading turns, unusual flight attitude recovery, Flight Review: radio communication & the use of navigation
  • 3 hours of flight training with a Certified Flight Instructor
    • 60 days before the scheduled exam’s date, you will prepare yourself with any necessary flight instruction
  • 10 hours of solo flight time, including 5 hours of solo cross-country time
    • One cross-country flight of 150 NM with a full stop landing at three different points
    • Flight must involve a straight-line distance of more than 50 NM between the takeoff and landing locations
    • 3 takeoffs and landings to a full stop at a tower-controlled airport


Plane (Fuel & Insurance included) 180 hour

CFI (Certified Instructor)                  70 hour

FAA (written) = Knowledge test      $175.00

(Paid Directly to testing facility

FAA (oral/flight) = Practical test      $1000.00 APPROX

(Paid Directly to Designated Pilot Examiner)


Instrument Rating:

FAA Part 61 training:

We will fulfill the requirements based on part 61 regulations.

There’s an FAA (written) = knowledge test

FAA (oral/flight) = practical test


We will train one-on-one with the ground knowledge portion, in addition to an online test preparation program Gleim GoldSeal Sporty’s

This will help you prepare for the knowledge test.  We will also train in the air, following the guided flight lesson plan to prepare you for the FAA practical test with the (DPE) Designated Pilot Examiner.


These are the requirements you must fulfill

in accordance with 14 CFR 61.65

A person who applies for an instrument-airplane rating must have logged:

  • Except as provided in paragraph (g) of this section, 50 hours of cross-country flight time as pilot in command, of which 10 hours must have been in an airplane.
  • Forty hours of actual or simulated instrument time in the areas of operation listed in paragraph (c) of this section, of which 15 hours must have been received from an authorized instructor who holds an instrument-airplane rating, and the instrument time includes:
    • Three hours of instrument flight training from an authorized instructor in an airplane that is appropriate to the instrument-airplane rating within 2 calendar months before the date of the practical test
    • Instrument flight training on cross country flight procedures, including one cross country flight in an airplane with an authorized instructor, that is performed under instrument flight rules, when a flight plan has been filed with an air traffic control facility, and that involves—
      • (A) A flight of 250 nautical miles along airways or by directed routing from an air traffic control facility.
      • (B) An instrument approach at each airport.
      • (C) Three different kinds of approaches with the use of navigation systems.


Flight Review: 

Has it been a while……..

We will fulfill the requirements based on FAA regulation 14 CFR 61.56.

We will cover AT LEAST one hour ground and one hour of flight.  We will cover part 91 knowledge and review the maneuvers and procedures in the flight portion.  Depending on the last time you flew will determine on how long the ground and flight session will last.

Plane (fuel & insurance included)   180 hour

CFI (Certified Instructor)                   70 hour

Have something in mind? 

Need to ferry your newly acquired airplane?

Would you like to go to Mexico to pet whales?


***All ground lessons will be conducted at a near by coffee, doughnut or sandwich location.  We shouldn’t go hungry while learning.

Flight lessons will depart from KCHD.


****Each student learns differently.  I highly recommend that you obtain all the funding up front.  This will ensure that your training will be obtained at a steady, progressive pace.